Sunday, February 27, 2011

And-d th-th-the Osc-car goes t-to...The Kings Speech!

Since they were going for hosts that are garbage, they should have just had Oscar from Sesame Street hosting the Oscars. His name fits and he lives in a garbage can. Instead they got two actors that were garbage and should have been canned. How boring were Anne Hathaway and James Franco! I mean c'mon they were terrible. They really should have opened with the script that Ricky Gervais wrote, which was hilarious. Instead of using it, James Franco made fun of Ricky Gervais saying that he sucked hosting the Golden Globes. Well welcome to the club James Franco! Did you notice how Billy Crystal was the only person to get a standing ovation? Because people were like Thank God, this might actually be funny. And he was.

I really hope the Oscars don't have actors be the hosts again, they really are better with a comedian.

The awards were given to:
Best Supporting Actress:
Melissa Leo(The Fighter)

Best Supporting Actor:
Christian Bale(The Fighter)

Best Actress:
Natalie Portman(Black Swan)

Best Actor:
Colin Firth(The King's Speech)

Best Movie:
The King's Speech

The King's Speech won a lot of the awards of the night, including Best Director aswell.

Best Dressed in my opinion were: Mandy Moore, Hailee Seinfield, Sandra Bullock, and Amy Adams.
To conclude, The Oscar goes to the 83rd Academy Awards for worst hosts!