Is it just me or do Tom, Katie, and Suri look like clones of each other? I don’t even want to say any more because we all know that Tom Cruise has a zillion dollars and loves to sue people.
Tara Reid is scene here…hopefully going to Salvation Army to give her clothes away. But I hope not because I would hate to see anyone else wearing this. In other Tara Reid news, she is selling her Los Angeles Condo for a little over 800,000. Maybe now she will finally leave Hollywood!
Kim Kardashian is scene here signing autographs for Decembers issue of Playboy which she graces the cover for, wearing a very fitting ring a dollar sign. After coming out with a sex tape a year ago she decided that Playboy would make her seem “more classy”. Because nothing says classy like taking your clothes off…right?
On Monday December 9th, 2007 quarterback Michael Vick for the Atlanta Falcons was given a verdict after pleading guilty in August to being involved with illegal Dog-fighting Rings(In which the dogs were brutally murdered for losing). What we have to say is he better like doggy style because he’s in for it for 23 months, which he was sentenced.
Kristen Bell looked lovely as ever at the Spike TV awards, even taking home the “Hottest Newcomer” award. She is also going to be in a movie made by the creators of “Superbad” and “Knocked Up” called ‘Fanboys’, where she dresses up as Princess Leia and which will bring every geeks fantasy to life. We just wonder how long Hayden Panettiere will put up with this new “Hero” stealing the spotlight.