Tuesday, October 26, 2010

On The Set Of a Modern Family Episode

   This was so exciting for me! Last Friday, I was going to the bookstore by my house. Which is in The Howard Hughes Promenade, in West Los Angeles. When I got up there, I was like wow they must be doing something important because there were huge trucks and trailers lining the whole street. Then when I approached one of the huge trucks, I saw 'FOX Studios' on it! So exciting! So when I approached the main area of the Promenade I saw that there was a show taping! There was a large amount of camera equipment, and director chairs set up. I asked a woman near me what was going on and she was like "They are taping Modern Family! I love this show!". I love the show too! It is one of the funniest and most well written shows on television right now. So I moved to the side and watched them film. It was a scene with the gay couple on the show, Cam and Mitchell. It was funny. The director was really enjoying it, he yelled out "This is comedy!" after they got the shot they wanted. I won't explain the scene, but it did have to do with the escalators and an elderly couple, and maybe some cops. I'm excited to see it in an upcoming episode! It really made my day so awesome. I'll post some pictures I took and also there is a picture of the stars trailers.(Also after I watched the filming I went to the bookstore and was given a free pumpkin spice latte, it was the best day!)

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