Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Scarf Headband

   I was going to make a scarf the other day, but then I decided--why make a scarf when I can make into headband! It takes 30-45 minutes to make one of these. First you have to cast on 6 or 7 stitches(depending on how thick you would like it). Then I knit about 12 inches. When I finished I sewed a button onto one end and then you can adjust how tight you want it on your head. Then I also knit another mini headband, cast on 4 stitches. That is about 6 inches. Then I folded it and curled it into itself to make a "flower" that I sewed together on the bottom to keep it's form. Then I sewed it to the main headband scarf. The sewing only takes a few minutes, very simple. I love it! It looks really cute on and I thi9nk it's most versatile then a scarf. It will look super cute during these winter months!

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